Production Blog: So close yet so far

Welcome back!!!! So for our film package we need to make the film, of course, a website and a post card. I am in charge of the website as I mentioned before. Which I have been working on for the past week. I'm not going to lie it was a little difficult trying to figure out how to make a website because I am so bad at technology and what not. However, I did have time to learn somewhat how to do it. I ended up using a website to make my website. Ironic but it is working so far. I started by using a template. At first I just did the home page by adding the festivals, some info, and forms to RSVP for the festivals. I also added a menu which I thought would direct people to the sections on the home page, however, only the subscribe button directs people to the bottom of the page. I found this out when I did a preview of the website. I pressed all of the buttons and realized the about and booking sections to you to complete different pages. I know that websites do that so don't think I was just dumb - I'm not. Trust. I just thought I set it up to sending it to sections on the page. I guess not. After that I made the about page our mission statement and some links to mental health helps since that's what our whole thing is about. Then for the booking page I was just planning on deleting it since I placed the forms on the home page, and you can pay at the festivals. BUT. When I tried to delete it the website wouldn't let me. Originally I took the "booking" tab off the menu so no one could reach it, which is basically another form of deleting it. But, I found out the website I was using, Wix, offers services that helps the creator book sessions and what not for others. So I made that the way for payment for the festivals. I included the time, link, and price.  I mostly did this because I was scared someone could accidentally get to that page and be confused to the random stuff. Plus I couldn't leave things half done. All of the other pages I deleted. So for the most part everything is done. Only thing left is a picture of us in the about page, but we don't have one. Don't worry though I am basically done. As for everything else my group is in charge of that so there is not much for me to report on.


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