Production Blog: Problem fixed it?

 As previously mentioned I said we would film on Wednesday, today, and we did. To first start off I said we needed someone to play Joel but the person we had playing him wasn't appearing to school or anything so we need someone else. We couldn't find anyone so we change the plan that i would be Joel, but obviously change the name. And then tell you all about it. But when we got to the courtroom we were told we weren't allowed to film there for the day so we couldn't film. At the time we thought how we urgently need to film because we have had too many obstacles and the due date is near. We ended up saying next week Monday it would be open and we could go. Quick background information, just in case if you don't remember, there are four of us in the group and I only know one of them. Point is we all leave, well they leave together and i go somewhere else since I had my friend there. The ended up using an office in I don't know where and were able to film all of the court scenes. They got one of their friends to play Joel and had Lauren film. I however wasn't there for this exact one but i will for the next time. By the way we still are missing a scene. That being the ones on the street where Ellie and Santana interact. But those shouldn't take much time. So most like those will be done after school one day. Oh and the picture is one of the shot they were able to do. Pretty similar to the ones before so so far I am feeling confident in our work. Later on I will have to speak to them to actual find out how much they filmed, meaning how many seconds they used. Hopefully it's not too much because we still need to add more but for now that's all I got. Until the next update!!


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