Production Blog: Lets try this again

 Guess what.. we followed through with the plan. We filmed today after school to reshoot all of the shots at the store. This time we chose a different shopping center because that last one had too many people. Most of them were older so they 100% thought we were trying to steal. However, this time we went to the shopping center by my house. It's very local so no one really cares what happens there, plus there is a side in the parking where no one goes so we would be able to film without any interruptions. Soooo we went to to the side part and filmed the parking part first, it didn't take much because we actually focused on doing our parts. However, the driving off scene took a little longer since Omnia doesn't drive. We had to get her in the car but change the angle so that someone else could drive the car. The point was to give the illusion of her driving away. We think it worked but I'll make sure later in editing. After the parking scene we went into the stores and filmed the stealing part. We pretend to steal and put stuff in our pockets, don't worry we put it back. We still didn't do the backpack scene because we didn't want to buy a bunch of stuff. But the rest came out great. Not too many people were in the store so we didn't have to worry about getting in trouble too much. And when people passed they weren't paying attention so everything was fine. We did have to hurry because most of us had a lot of other stuff we had to do like homework, work, personal stuff. It was very eventful today but nothing too crazy for me to tell. Sorry this was a short blog but next time, I got you. The next blog should be about my editing process. Hopefully. I should be able to finish my section of editing and hopefully they should too. But don't worry, we will get this done. 


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