Production Blog: Part two of editing
To recap, the last thing we did was the second part of filming. In total we have 1:28 after editing and what not, I'll explain in a bit. But we finished getting ready scene, in and out of work, and the interrogation. Meaning we are only missing the interaction between Ellie and Santana and the discussions between Maria and Santana. We 100% have to film that this week so I will discuss it with my group later. But for now let me update you on the stuff we got down. All of the scenes I have mentioned added up to 1:28 and we have a time limit of 2 minutes. We can most likely get the interaction in the time limit but the discussion might be trickier. But we have a solution. That being for our get ready scenes, we added some extra shots to make the scene look cooler but if needed we will cut it out of the movie. For the new scene we also added some music onto it. The first time the music was too loud but or group spoke about it and we lowered the music. Just some quick background information Andres is doing all of the editing, every step he takes he mentions in our group chat to see if we all agree. We also added some titles into our movie. For example for todays title we did "Produced by: Lauren Reitman" at the end of the interrogation.
These scenes were sent to us as scene, so we have yet to finalize or see the final put together movie. Meaning we still have a lot to go but for now the only thing I can say is we have 30 seconds to work with. This week to finish filming. And might I add our CCR that we all have to do on our own. Plus our work from other classes. All I can say is this week is going to be difficult but we will get it done. So like always until next time, which will most likely be an opinion on the movie or updates on editing.
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