Production blog: So here's the plan
Earlier today, I spoke with my group. We came to the conclusion that before we start filming we have to get a suit, since the main character is a lawyer. Thankfully in real life he does debate so he had to get a suit anyways. Moral of the story he would get that on the weekend, but we still can not film because some of us already have plans with our parents.
We are going to start filming on Monday but first let me give the run down. Monday we will film the scenes on Wilton drive, after school. This is because that would give us enough time for them to catch the activity bus or time for their parents to pick them up. Then following scene we discussed, is the shot at a house. The house we are using is Andres, since he is the one being filmed for these shots the best choice would be his room. However his house is far from us, for example he is a 25-30 minute drive from me. Im not sure how far he is from everyone else but i know it is still a drive. Due to this we will have to wait tile next weekend, most likely Saturday. We also discussed the scenes in the courtroom, we need to get permission for that. Well we already have it, but we need to confirm before filming, that will be done on Monday. Once we get the permission it will be between the days of Tuesday- Thursday next week. Once again it all depends on how things role out and the availability of everyone.
Now that you had the run down of our plan, I can now tell you some of my concerns. I have a bunch of work and most likely so do they. A lot of our availability interferes with the work we have with other classes. Even after filming we have editing, which as far as I know two of us can do editing. But my issue is the editing and what not might take some time. So even though we have made a plan for everything, things can still change. We don't know what will happen in a few days. But like I always if anything changes I will be sure to let you guys know. As of now, until next time! Bye bye!
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