Production Blog: Phase two... editing

    To recap we began to film during spring break, and got like half done. This week we wont be able to film but we will film the second part next week Monday. But that doesn't mean we have no work to do for this week. We started to brainstorm editing and the ideas we had for titles. Though one of us did the editing we all did a little brainstorming, commenting, and helping. But I do know what was done since I was there for filming and told the ideas I wanted to incorporate in the video. For example we did a scene where the camera didn't move but we did two shots in. The character was in the shot walks out of the view of the camera and walks back in with a new outfit. This is simple editing but you have to cut it enough for it to make sense and still leave room for other shots. Which is one of the things my group worried about, time. One of them thought that the getting ready scenes, what we were able to film, take up a lot of time meaning we weren't going to be able to film other scene. Issue is those scenes are what make the story interesting. So I said that for my last projects I had similar issues but I cut at least a second from each clip to be able to meet the time limit, which worked. He ended up clipping some of the shots but so far what we have is a minute a 4 seconds. I think that's a good time but some of them in the group are concerned on the time. Once we film again and add it in we will figure out how much we have to cut down. 

    Another topic to mention in our editing process are the titles. For one of the titles we had and alarm go off in the beginning of the scene where it should one of the titles we needed to include. Another one we added is the last one, 'directed by,' in this scene the character walks out of the frame and the title pops up behind him and boom screen goes black then title leaves. We obviously have more we have to add in but first we want to add the others shots to see what other creative ways we can incorporate the titles.

    Lastly we had to choose some type of song for the video, one of our team member did it all by himself, looked for and edited it in. The song has no lyrics but it is only to get the mood going for the getting ready scenes. It's a mellow beat which gives the vibe of just another day. 

For now that's all I have to report back on, but I will be back. 


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