Production Blog: It happened again-

     So from my previous blog, I explained how we canceled filming due to the lockdown. Because of this we planned to film today. Reason was because Thursday there are no activity buses for my other group members to get home. Tuesday one of us had something to do.  And Friday there is no school, and we have to do it after school for rides. We were originally still going to one of my group members house on Saturday which is still in the plan. But today we did not film. I know I know a lot of delays. But another group member was sick and couldn't make it, and she was one of the characters that would be filmed the most today. So we canceled it and agreed to leave till after spring break, because during spring break some of us are traveling. 

   Which brings me to another issue, one of our members are going to Orlando this weekend, meaning they wont be able to go Saturday. Another group member can't make it leaving me and Andres (the main character). Technically that's all we need since the only shots we are taking are of him alone. So filming will continue Saturday.

    That's enough of the bad stuff, I have some good news. Andres order a tripod!! I know so professional. Moral of the story this will make our shots more steady and easier to film. We would be getting that on Friday so it technically adds up with what's going on. Oh, and about change of plans.. we changed a location. We previously said we would do some filming on Wilton Drive, but those are for the running up scene, seeing the poster scene, and going into the office scenes. There isn't much of a office building that we could use so we changed to a place by Andres house. Which is perfect because there aren't people there but we would have to see how it looks for the video. Other than that we are set for Saturday to film. And the rest will be done once everyone is back. So once again bye bye till next time. 


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