Production Blog: Delay

 We soon should start filming but he haven't had the chance, yet. We just finished our storyboard, scripts, and designs so we are caught up in what we want to do. But I am pretty sure we are going to change a few things. Don't worry though I'll be sure to let you know. Moving on I still have to plan with the rest of the group when we will begin filming. Obviously as soon as we can but we have school, work, other things we need to attend to. Not only are we busy but some of the group lives far. Let me explain a lot of our locations are near our school, I live 13 minutes way but my other group members live 20 minutes to 45 minutes away. Not to mention all of my group members are sophomores and do not have cars or a license. Meaning their parents would have to bring them, either way we would use a lot of gas. I say all of this because with the locations and what not we have to split up how and when we are filming. I mentioned it before in our planning blog, I said we would have started the weekend that just passed but I had my dads birthday and plans with my mom. So I couldn't male it. I am not 100% sure what the rest of the group was doing but we were all pretty busy. So I will propose to my group to start filming on the weekend and or during this week or the next week days. Because a few scenes will be shot at one of our house that being the person that lives about 30 min away, other scenes are near school. So during the weekday after school we could film, or on the weekend if they want to meet here. We have options but not many. I have a car so I could drive to their houses and what not but I can't drive there and back too many times cause of gas. We also have to get approvals from parents and the places we will be at. It is a whole thing, especially since we are high school students. Also some of us, like me, have strict parents, so it's hard to do all these thing and convincing parents. There is a bunch of thinking behind planning this so we would have to talk soon and figure that out. Once we do I will let you guys know. Until then, bye bye!


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