Production Blog: Filming day 2!!!!

 So we were able to film yesterday. A bit rushed but it was accomplished, kind of. After school we went to a park near by the school. Once again our schedules were all over the place. So we got there before one of our actors, so we just ended up hanging out until he got there. He got there a bit late and my other actor had to leave by five. A little timeline for you, we got out of school around 3, we went to eat then went to the park, making it around 4-4:30. Meaning filming was a bit rushed. Thankfully there wasn't much left to film, just the flashbacks, which are 10 seconds. We did a scene on the bench, one walking, some talking, fun stuff. But the first time we filmed we took a scene in the car. It was them singing along to the song, at night driving. It was a perfect scene for the flashbacks. But it was at night and the videos we took were at a park around 4:30. Those scenes wouldn't match with that one scene, and it was a perfect opening scene. But I can't open up with a scene at night to having only scenes of them at the park. So I had to do what I had to do, and tried to recreate it at that time. Yesterday was the last day I could film anything. My due dates are around the corner, they are really busy, and i have a bunch of work for other classes to do. So we tried, we made it, and added another scene of him opening the door for her. It didn't come out like the last one because it wasn't forced, but it's still good. Once again plans were changed but I think it came out well. Last step is editing which I will do either today or tomorrow. 


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