1.  Many music videos have a lot of time put into them. With backup dancers, fancy equipment, fancy software to edit, costumes, different sets, and everything needed to make their video the best possible. For all of these things you need money. Which is something I don't have being a 16 year old teenager, that goes to school and lives with their mom. Me being underaged also makes it hard for me to go out to places and what not, because I need permission from my mom, I need a ride, and I have a curfew. As well as my actors. Making most of those conventions used in music videos not be accessible to me. I couldn't use any money, I worked with what I had. My sets were a Barns & Nobels, that was still being in use by many other people making it very difficult to film without interruptions, and a park with the same issue. I had to represent "young love" the best I could without making it cheesy. But lets be honest the video is a bit cheesy but most music videos about love are, so i was able to follow that convention.

2.  My target audience with this music video were teenagers to young adults. In short terms it's my generation. I know this generation gets most of their information on social media, wether that'd be social issues, drama, song/movie releases, natural disasters, everything is from social media. Anything you would find on the news is on TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, all of those juicy social media apps. Due to this it would be the best way for me to grab my audiences attention. The option would be TikTok, although YouTube would be a great option, but it wouldn't be my first. YouTube and Facebook are the top 2 most used social platforms but not from the age group I am targeting. Most people of this age group, "Gen Z," spend most of their time on Instagram and TikTok. My music video is 1 minute and 15 seconds, which I can upload onto TikTok since the limit is 3 minutes. People watch parts of shows and story times with multiple parts on TikTok, they will definitely watch my 1:15 video. The video is also very cute/cheesy, which although this generation would laugh they will find amusement in it. They find a lot of amusement in love and happy endings, which exactly what I showed in my video. I can do this on both Facebook and YouTube but it won't get as much attention that it would get from TikTok.

3. Throughout the project I had a plan on how I was going to film each scene, but once I started filming I just let me creativity flow. I would usually just film the part when we were actually acting, I would start it when they began to act and stopped it when they finished. With this method I realized I didn't get the exact footage I wanted, sometimes I started too late or ended to early. This happened with my first few scenes so I did them a few times but with a different method this time. I never stopped filming. For one scene I would keep the camera rolling until the next scene. I would move a bit try different angles and let them do the scene a few times. Technically this isn't some new thing I invented, directors in movies and music videos do this all the time. Which I didn't understand how effective it was until I did it. If it weren't for that I wouldn't have half of the scenes I used in the video. The best scenes/angles were the improvised ones. I did point of view angles, over the shoulder, some hidden by books, the simple two shots. I mean at one point I was climbing on my friends truck and being in the weirdest position just to get the best shot of him opening the door. I guess the more the footage the better, just takes a longer time to look through.

4. Technology not my best talent. It was one of the hardest ones throughout the whole project. Once again I don't have the softwares most producers have, I had to use free ones. I used iMovie for most of the editing, although it is a very basic and easy software it does have some fun things to use for editing. I had many scenes I had to adjust within the app. For example I did  some color changing on some scene for them to match, I slowed some done, used some transitions, importing the music onto the video, I even adjusted the music for it to slowly decrease at the end. There were many things I learned and used to produce my video. Uploading was another big part of the whole process I had to learn how to get the correct format for it to be uploaded, like how to change it to an mp4. A big plus was my MacBook, without it I don't know how I would've edited and uploaded. Yeah, I had to search up a few things but it was easier since I know my computer and the one I have is very editing based. Overall technology and the internet came in a clutch, even to just get a song.


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