Storyboard: The overall plan

 First Scene:

In this scene there will be someone walking out of a house and beginning to walk somewhere. Will be a medium shot of this subject, #1, then will turn into a tracking shot of them walking out into the distance.

Second Scene:

Once again in this scene the camera will move a bit. It will show #1 walking up to a table and sitting down while staring at someone, #2. It will begin as a tracking shot, very minimum though. As #1 sits down they will looking completely mesmerized by #2, this is where the acting really comes in.

Third Scene:

This scene might need more editing, depending how far my skills go. It could be like a ripple or like a fade out into this scene. Basically this scene will be a "daydream" of #1. In this dream #1 and 2 are sitting together reading a book, laughing, overall just enjoying each others company. There might be more scenes added to show the amount of daydreams #1 is having for the next scene to make sense.

Fourth Scene: 

This scene #1 comes back into reality, this can be a medium shot of #1 looking like they are daydreaming and realizing where they are. When they are "back" they will realize the time and show them seeming worried. As if they are late for something.

Fifth Scene:

In a different shot like a medium long shot, will be used to show #1 packing up in a hurry. As they finish they leave something behind but don't realize, depending on what looks best maybe the drop something instead. Anyways the leave fast walking towards the exit. The shot will stay in one spot, #1 will walk out of screen.

Sixth Scene:

This will be some what of a close up of #2 as they see what #1 left. In the acting #2 is reading and sees #1 freaking out and leaving something, this cause them to stop reading.

Seventh Scene:

This will be once again another tracking shot of #2 grabbing the object left behind and running after #1. this scene will end before getting to the door, or as soon as they walk out the door.

Eighth Scene:

This part will show #2 catching up to #1 and giving back the object. This interaction turns into a conversation ending with #2 asking #1 if they want to go somewhere to eat. A cafe near by; #1 says yes. This scene begins with a tracking shot into a two shot.

Ninth Scene:

It will be a shot of their backs, the action will be them walking into the cafe. Maybe a medium long shot, but this one will be steady, not a tracking shot.

Tenth scene:

This will be a two shot of them sitting at a table. This scene mostly depends on the acting, because these few are going to be very short.

Eleventh Scene:

Another two shot but at a different angle, more of a medium shot. This is to show them laughing and eating, enjoying each others company. When filming there might be more shots added into this scene, to make it feel like we are apart of them and not watching, like point of views.

Twelfth Scene:

In this scene it will be a close up of #1 winking at the camera, breaking the forth wall. This will be the ending maybe in editing I can do like a fade out.


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