Planning blog: Let's get this party started

 So for the music video I have an idea of what I want to do. I just need to figure out exactly how I'm going to do it or present it. I want to show a story and I want it to match the lyrics of "All I Want for Christmas is You." The overall idea is for some to have a crush on another person, and the video is just them watching and singing of how they want to be with this person. But they are too shy until the end of the video they finally talk to them. Throughout the video we can show them day-dreaming about them depending on what lyrics are shown.


-For sets I will either need some type of work place or school to show this crush this person has. They would have need to see them a few times so it needs to be a common place they both frequently go to.

- Since its Christmas I will have winter clothes to show its cold. Like leggings or jeans, a jacket/sweater, maybe a hat depending on what I have or my actors have. For decorations to make it seem like Christmas I will bring some to the location I choose or just use the ones they have.


Because I am depending on the holiday for my set i will have to wait till December or ending of November to start filming.

11/14- I will begin to think on how i want to film these scenes.

11/17- I will finalize the scenes i want to use and complete the storyboard.

11/15 to 11/18- I will find some friends to help me as being actors or helping me film.

11/21- I will begin to film scenes.

11/25- I should be done with filming.

11/28- begin filming.


A library since it will be easier to get permission than a school or a work place. Scenes can be taken to show that they both like to come to this place a lot.

Last few scenes is them talking so it will be right outside of the location like the library. The idea is for one of them to forget something and the other to run after them to give it to them but end up having a whole conversation.

Lastly a coffee shop because at the end they decide to get a drink to keep talking. This would be taken on a table inside or outside but at the coffee shop.

Backup Plan:

Even though it might be easier I would still have to get permission. So if one were to say no then i would have to find a different location but the same place. If all else fails I can use a park where one plays a sport and the other comes to "read" since its public and i don't need permission. That would be where they meet and I can use any fast food place or cafe to show them having a conversation.


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