Production Blog: Editing

 Editing is almost done. On Friday I started editing and I finished, for the most part. I put all the scenes together and made an outro, but there is no sound. I have a plan for it, there will be like a happy song in the background with a bit of beach sounds. As I get closer to the ocean I will lower the music and increase the beach sounds. When we go back to sit down the song will become louder. It will give the affect of my happiness and calm vibe in the beginning going into my confusion. I think it will make the story make more sense, because the story line is a bit confusing. I showed it to a few people and they laughed which might be a good sign. But not everyone got the story, they did get the overall picture though. During the editing there were a few problems, the scenes were too short. If they weren't under 5 seconds it was just a video of us laughing or fighting. So in order to reach the time requirement I slowed most of the scenes, and made a longer outro than planned. The scenes still look normal if there was sound, which I will get soon. In fact my partner was looking for songs and later I will check them out and choose one. For the outro I did the whole "together taste better" slogan and it was great. I had to edit the photo in Canva, and change the fonts so many times to match Coca Cola's signature font. I also threw in some transitions so it wouldn't look too fast. The best was in the last scene, when we started to drink the cokes the screen went blurry and had the words "make a friendship." The it faded into a black screen with the logo and some other quote 


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