Group Blog

 On this project I will be working with another student in my class. His name is Sean, we sit next to each other in class and we have helped each other with the work a few times. Since we have been helpful to each other, for the most part, we thought it would be a good idea to do this project together. Although if really focus I can make a commercial by myself, having a partner helps the process. Sometimes people have better ideas than you or similar ones. If I were to brain storm with someone else, in this case Sean,  we would both provide very different ideas. Sean has a completely different personality than me which I feel would be good for the commercial. We would be able to talk to more than one audience if we combine our ideas. He is also a very creative person while I am a very organized person. He would be able to throw his ideas everywhere and I would be able to put them together. Moral of the story we would make a great team for this project. It might be just two of us but that is more than enough for this. Plus with it just being two people it makes making plans to work way easier. I wouldn't have to worry about everyones schedule or rides. I wouldn't have to worry about everyone getting there part of the work in, just him. Over all there are many benefits in having a partner instead of group just like there is the other way around. But I will be able to get the work done with him the same way I would with a group. It's a win for both of us. And to be honest, it's what we both were looking for. We don't feel the need to have a big group to accomplish this project. I don't know him that well but I know this project will help us learn more about each other.


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